family of 6 ~ 4 siblings | johns creek family photographer

I love photographing big families! This one was no exception. Melissa and I became fast friends through church and boys love playing together. She loves taking photos of her kids so I was honored that she asked me to do their family portraits this year! Because I know how important images are to her<3

We met on a warm december afternoon at a park in johns creek. I love the lighting in this field and we got some pretty amazing images of their family of 6. One reason big families are so fun because they always have the best time together...joking and laughing and teasing one another. All of that happened on this evening!

I hope you can see how your love for each other shows through these images, S family! Enjoy a sneak peek of our evening together!

atlanta family of 6 in field
family of 6 on bridge
family of 6 close
family with 4 kids
4 siblings goofing off
mom and dad of 4 kids