family of five ~ fall photo session | tuscaloosa family photographer

I'll always remember this one! My first photo session in Tuscaloosa. Roll Tide! Although this is a family of Ole Miss fans it's ok because I was glad to find out that there's a little bit of college football diversity here. Mom- Carlley- is a local photographer herself and the director of my boys' preschool. Since she knows what to look for, I was honored that she asked me to capture their fall family photos. She also introduced me to this beautiful location, Capitol Park, where there are ruins from the old capitol building when Tuscaloosa was the Alabama state capitol from 1826-1846. The building burned in 1923 but has been preserved in this park. I'm a fan of the location and this family!

Carlley knew exactly where she wanted her family photo so that made the session super quick! And don't they look wonderful in their pastels? Perfect coordination and choice for the setting.

Enjoy my favorites from our night together...

tuscaloosa family fall photo
fall family of five
capitol park family photo
family at sunset fall